Friday, December 19, 2008

Snowstorm Cherry = popped!

Well today was Oliver's first big snow storm. I have to say, he loves the snow. It's currently about 10" deep and he is jumping around in it and prancing around like a snow bunny. His eyes light up even looking at the snowflakes falling outside of the window.

There's just one problem however -- the snow forms these "balls", and they attach themselves to the hair on his feet, legs, and stomach. The balls of snow intertwine themselves into his hair so we are unable to simply pull them off. We tried dipping his feet in warm water but as you could guess, that didn't go over well. The hairdryer seemed to work well but poor Oliver could only stand a whopping 4 minutes of it and that barely melted one snow ball. This is how he looked when he came in last:


So in order to alleviate some of the cling on snow balls, Matt went outside and made some "trails" in the snow for Oliver to run in. That lasted all of about 12 seconds -- he did use the trails but then bounded happily into the deep show and laid down.

Ridiculously cute!

1 comment:

Coupon Expert said...

I like his eyes! Cute:-)