Friday, May 16, 2008

So how do I get this thing to poop outside?

So, here we are... day numero dos.

Speaking of number two, how do I convince Oliver that the grass is a GREAT place to poo?
I mean, it's soft, smells nice, and absorbs most messes easily. Heck, if it was more socially acceptable, I would probably try it out myself.

For some reason poor Oliver just doesn't like it. I'm sure it's because he is not used to being outside since he has been primarily in a crate for the past 8 weeks. The morning dew is wet and chilly too. That's a little tough to get used to for the little guy.

Anyway, I've had my fair share of running down the deck stairs while Ollie proceeds to drop his poo on the way (usually deflecting off my running legs). It really is a sight to behold. All you can really do is smile :)

I just have to make sure not to wear my good pants around the house for the next few weeks (PLEASE! Let it only be a few weeks!!)


Jess2010 said...

HAHAHAHAH,welcome to my world!Katie,you are so funny.I can't wait to see him tonight.Remember what I said.It does get easier :)Make sure you and Matt help each other out equally,that helps alot if you feel as though your taking turns.Good luck Love Jess

Katie said...

Jess -- Oliver loved playing with Gizmo last night!!! He was so tired he slept until 7am !!! Oliver can't wait until the next time he can play with Gizmo!