Monday, May 19, 2008

Oliver's Weekend

So today will be Oliver's fifth full day with us. Boy has he come a long way!!
< begin potty talk>
We can now tell when he has to go to the bathroom, so we have time to take him outside. Several times now, he's actually gone to the door! He still doesn't really *like* to poop outside, but at least he's doing it. He tends to only go right at the base of the stairs -- leaving lovely landmines for us to step in (and we both have already done it!)
< /potty talk>

Oliver took a trip to Petco on Saturday. He was really good on the leash in the store. Oliver got some new toys, and a stylish t-shirt. The T-shirt is a little too big so he'll have to wait a few weeks to wear it!

On Sunday Oliver had a visit from my mother and her husband, my grandmother, waynes daughter Lana and her son Brandon. He got along well with everyone. He's really good with kids - - either that or he only likes to bite us....

Today, Oliver's going to the vet fir the first time. Hopefully he'll be a good boy for the vet and will be given a clean bill of health. Stay tuned!

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